So part of making goals public is that they help you with accountability right? Well things have not been going well on all fronts.
I am just going to hit these all fast and hard… Is what I was going to say, but who am I kidding 🙂
Starting from the top and working my way down.

Spiritual Awareness
Let see what we have on here?..
- Attend 4 churches in a year( attend 4 times a month ) 1 2 3 4
- Write in Journal, reflect 15 min what I am thankful for 1/wk (Total of 52)
I’m going to come right out ans say it. This is so not a priority right now. Which is kind of funny and sad as I am always aiming to improve as a person and mother and I’m sure the reflection would help me realign my values with my actions. I’ve been extremely short tempered since switching to night shift. Though finally I am getting use to the schedule and at least that is improving.
As for the finding some sort of spiritual house or following…. I am going to go ahead and just strike that off the list. Technically I could cram it all into the last 4 months of the year. But… I am just going to be honest that for the next 5 months I don’t see myself searching for different religious houses of worship and then forcing my family to attend in an attempt to broaden mine and their horizons. I’ll only review this again if I decide I have time to put it back on the table
Spirituality final tally: 0%… Or F if you prefer a letter grade. Either way I’m off track.

- Run two 5ks, 1 Jan-June and then 1 July-Dec.
I actually completed this so Yay! Yet I’ve only done 1 organized run a year for past 2 years so I don’t know why I keep putting 2…. Is it to push myself? Must be. I am not a 100% fan of the sticker price of fun runs but I am working on a post where I rationalize the shizz out of it.
Run: 50% complete, on track
- Dance 1/ month @ home
I’m doing pretty good on that. Though it looks like I missed February. Which means I can’t get 100%. 🙁
Dancing: 25% complete, on track
- Take 1 class (yoga, dance ???) With Mr. Roamer.
Haven’t touched this one yet, but there is still time. So no grading still on track to be able to complete it. Haha thank goodness for a goal of one with still over 150 day left in the year.
- Read 1 book in Spanish.
Sadly I’m not including children’s books….. Or am I? 😉 I’m going with not done yet. I still have time so I am going to say no grade necessary yet, I’m still on track. But I am getting my reading muscle working and added
- Read 4 books this year.
Really sad compared to how much I use to read but I’m sure 400% better then last year. Already working on I Will Teach You To Be Rich (pg 109 of 260) and 7 Habits of Highly Effective People (pg.144 of 340).
Reading: 20%, slightly behind

- Chinese 2 characters/month
I have not really touched this one yet. By this point I should already know how to pen 10 new characters above and beyond last years learning. I think I have done 1.
Chinese: 4% when I should be at 40% , Behind

- 1 date a month w/ Mr Roamer.
We have done really well so far and not spent a bunch of money. We’ve gone to the movies, a fancy dinner and picnic date. I forgot to write some of it down but we have spent very marginal amounts of money as well.
Dating husband: 41% complete, on track
- Write in kids memory books.
So far my planner says I am on track but missed January, and might still need to do May. I think this is a great ways to capture important moments and doing it once a month at the minimum isn’t too difficult.
Memory book: 25% , missed a month so can’t get 100% , On track
- 1 date a month with each child.
I haven’t been doing so well here I have missed whole months. With my new schedule I now get to spend a lot of one on one time with Minnie Roamer , but see Jr.Roamer a lot less. I haven’t been setting time aside for just him and so I need to pick up the slack. Moving forward Minnie Roamer will automatically be on track, what I need to focus on is Jr. Roamer.
Jr. Roamer time: 8% should be 41%, off track
Minnie Roamer time: 25%, off track
- Sister & mother 1 date/ 6 months
I have one month left to schedule this and be on track.
Sis, Ma time: 0% , on track
- Earn side hustle $500
So far I’ve earned $30. If I divide $500/12 I should be shooting for about $42 a month so I am behind. I need to pick up the slack. So far I am not a craigslist whiz.
Hustle: 6%, Behind, need to up the hustle.
- Max out 401k ,18k/ person
We are aggressively front loading our 401k and in June we will drop it significantly to have enough to continue to get employer match until year end . This is also one of the main reasons I didn’t want to quit when our family situation suddenly changed.
401K: 70% complete, on track
- Save 30k for house($2500/month)
I really shouldn’t have added the per month part as I knew we would be front loading 401ks. So we have not been hitting the monthly goal but after June and the 401k adjustments we will be saving over the monthly goal and should end up with both goals met by year end.
House fund: 19% complete, Behind , but not worried
- Write 2 posts a week.
Yup. Nope! What was I thinking not even on my good month was I able to keep that up. Its a good goal and it reinforces the need for consistent content to A. Practice writing and B. Keep people interested but I was being too aggressive. With my new work schedule time to write seems more sporadic and hard to come by then before. My realistic goal moving forward is 1 post per week . which is vastly better then the 1 post per month I have suddenly found myself doing.
Posts: 13%, Behind, goal adjusted, 25% with new goal
- Add AdSense when hit 35 posts. Have blog pay for itself.
It’s been added. So far not good. I am cutting this goal from my view for the next trimester as I strictly focus on creating consistent content.
Adsense: 0%, dropped off the queue
- Attend Fincon
I purchased the early bird ticket and now Mr. And I need to have a discussion and figure everything else out. I am looking for roommate!!!! To save on cost and I might even venture into credit card churning to lower cost. But I need to figure this all out asap. EEK!
FinCon: Can I even score this???
- Reevaluate job in July..
Well I am working a new position and though its still not something that makes my heart sing it is keeping my brain working harder then it was before the switch. As of right now goal is to stay until end of year. But I will ask myself again in July.
- Hunt for new job / interview 3 times.
As I am now working a strange corporate shift 3:30- 12:30 am . I keep telling myself I won’t find the same deal anywhere else. Technically I should have interviewed once already but I think this might just get cut out.
- Get pay increase of 5% .
Well I haven’t seen it in my paycheck yet but I am supposedly getting a 10% increase. Still not happy but that’s a story for a different post.
Pay increase: 100% complete? and then some….(update when check rolls in)
Now you might be thinking. What in the world was that. After all this is all you see for my goals here on the blog….

Well I wanted to really check in with all of them so that is why I referred back to the goals I presented to you in the new year. Now another reason I brought up the blog vs. my other goals is that here I include my travel goal.

- 1 family trip 5+ days
We made it to Colorado and back. We spent time together and with the rest of our family. So all done in this department according to goals. Still we are planning a second trip for the winter. This keeps getting dropped from yearly goals because really its almost habitual. 1 yearly visit to extended family is part of our life, so really no goal is necessary.
Travel: 100% complete
So why am I sharing with you? Well like I said you all help to keep me accountable. Also writing up this post really did help me review stuff and see where I need to focus my attention. My strengths are clearly saving, now I just need to manage my time better. It was also helpful to recheck goals to see where they stack up and realign objectives. Which included striking some from the list.
Any pointers? How do you manage multiple goals at once? Let me know down below.
From our goals not all have been accomplished either, so it’s not something uncommon 🙂
I do try to get as much done as possible and just accept that not all plans work in life. Fortunately we are healthy and happy, our daughter is growing beautifully, so we’re clearly doing our job well. If the businesses and money are not always in top shape, we’re at least doing great family wise.
That’s great to hear. Family really is the most important when you have one. I mean you are one of the main player in molding that person. As long as the lack of work doesn’t affect the family negatively scaling it down is an option. 🙂 glad yo hear your daughter is healthy and growing.
[…] mentioned on my first review that this area was in trouble of being struck out. I decided that this wasn’t a main focus […]