I want to end on the happy note so I will discuss our pains and then our gains. Also since I am currently in the midst of a 3 month capsule wardrobe challenge I will hit on that as well.
So lets talk about last week. Most of the fun for our family happens on the weekends so I figured Monday would be the best day for the Traveling wallet weekly updates.
This weeks..
As part of my effort to remove the excess I posted some stuff up on Craigslist and I was pleasantly surprised to have multiple inquiries. However the meet up fell through. After several messages back and forth during the week I was pretty surprise at not being able to get a hold of the buyer over the weekend. So I was pretty frustrated that I had taken time to get it all nice and ready to go. I didn’t make my $35 plus I am just disappointing that I have to hold on to them for another week. Its pretty amazing how freeing it is to take out excess stuff from your home and life.
I was not happy to miss out on that rush I get.
But it seems they are still interested so we will try again next weekend. I already fixed what Mr. Roamer said was my biggest mistake. Not getting a phone number. So I requested it right away and got it. Hopefully next Monday I will report back $35 richer. 🙂
This past week included my bimonthly pay check and that is the star of this weeks celebratory gain! For 2 separate reasons. Why?because my company finally, FINALLY got around to processing my shift differential pay increase. That’s right I mentioned it in my quarterly goal review back in MAY!!! Happily they also didn’t gyp me and also retro payed me for the 2 months they missed. That means my regular paycheck had a nice 10% increase and I got a “bonus” check. Oh and the second reason is that we are all done front loading our 401Ks so we dropped the percentage substantially so our paychecks also appear much bigger thanks to that. Pretty much this month we are rolling in the dough!!
But it wont last long as I already plan to adjust all our automatic withdrawals so that we shift that money where its suppose to go. ( I think I will write more on that)
Also I am happy to finally be done reading one of my books. (High Fives)
Capsule Wardrobe Update
So this weekend was my 7th week on the capsule wardrobe and so far I am enjoying it. Its really refreshing to have so much more space in my closet.
This weekend was very weather-arific and we had glorious rain in our oh so dry California. But that happened toward the end of the day on Saturday and Sunday and so we still made it to the beach first. Here is what I wore this weekend.

Side note: Why can’t I stack these pictures next to each other instead of on top of each other. Guess I still have more to learn about this wordpress site.
There should actually be another 2 outfit picture for Sunday because after the beach we all showered and put on the most refreshing clothes we could find!!! it was so hot and sticky. But then it started raining so I had to change again! So that was a lot of changes but really I wear my capsule so little because I spend most of the week in my work clothes.
So have you ever been stood up by a buyer? If so do you give them a second chance? Any thought on capsule dressing?