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Hey Changemakers, In this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast, Kelly, Nicole and Melissa introduce themselves in a quick listen, only 8 min.
We are working to help momprenuer live the lives they want. Carving out space for the families they have and the businesses they want to grow.
Follow us on IG @herenterprise
They answer the following questions:
- How can we, each with our individual experiences, help you reach your goals?
- I help you ask, what you can take away?
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
Meet Kelly
- Runs a Cranio Sacral therapy practice
- I help clients recognize their own potential
Meet Melissa
- Engineer, Speaker, Coach
- I let the data and values guide decisions
Meet Nicole
- Educator, Coach and Writer.
- My goals is to increase my clients mental wellness
Quotes from the podcast
“I’ve know significant struggle on my journey to strength”
Kelly Pahman
“I’ll help you stand up and ask for what you want”
Melissa Neacato
Mentioned in This Episode
Let talk about the episode in the comments below. I answer everyone. 🙂
You can listen ahead to all the podcast on your favorite podcast player. Look out for show notes on episode 002 next week.