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In this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast, Melissa, Kelly and Nicole talk about the extra mental load women often have to carry. Family activities that drain you, extra obligations, and second guessing.
They answer the following questions:
- What decisions are you choosing to just not make? How are you cutting them out?
- What is the 5-3-1 rule?What it helps you decided?
- How does second guessing add to the struggle?
Quick peek at whats in the episode:
- Melissa kids are 7 & 12 , Her 12 year old can cook oatmeal. So she delegated cooking breakfast on oatmeal day to her kids.
- Kelly has 2 different lists to feed greater goals: “One for when I’m brain dead, other is for creative pursuits”
- Examples of Streamlining in Finances
- An example of the 5-3-1 rule, which can be applied in multiple different situations.
- Second guessing yourself multiplies the amount of decisions you need to make.
Quotes from the podcast
“If I don’t feel productive, I feel like I am drowning”
Kelly Pahman
“When I have more income, I can pay to delegate, and get rid of those decisions and set them up automatically” Nicole
Nicole Santiago
“Make those decisions now, when you are automating something or streamlining something, you are pulling the work in, so you don’t have to worry about those decisions in the future.”
Melissa Neacato
Mentioned in This Episode
Another way to help Momprenuers is by Sharing great resources. I will be attending this conference and I hope you all check it out too. Note: Conference already passed