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In this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast, We are masterminding Kelly’s business. She presents us with where she is currently feeling stuck. Covid has affected her availability in her brick and mortar business and she wants to pursue her ideas on an online space.
What is a Mastermind?
A mastermind is a group of people who are striving to get to where you are going, or are already there. Where challenges are revealed openly, experiences are shared and feedback is given honestly.
For us that means we are women building business and living purposeful lives. With this lens we look to help each other conquer fears, brainstorm new possibilities and stay focused and accountable.
“To reach the top of the mountain, you need to surround yourself not only with those who have been there, but also those who want to go there.” Tony Robbins
They answer the following questions:
- What are some things I wish I new before trying to serve people in an online format?
- Are you letting the few stop you from helping the many?
- How do you handle the haters?
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
- After finding success in her brick and mortar business Kelly has found that she has a lot more to share.
- Nicole shares her experience with haters.
- Melissa talk about things she wishes she had known before she hit publish.
- We all think about the question “Are you making a strong stance, coming across as authentically me. “
Quotes from the podcast
“I’ve heard every time you challenge yourself to another level, that’s when you have another layer of break through”
Kelly Pahman
“Even if your audience is just a few people, they are waiting to hear from you”
Nicole Santiago
“Finding things that will knock down those challenges or barriers would be super helpful”
Melissa Neacato
“Congratulations I gave you the opportunity to hate my work”
Kelly Pahman
Mentioned in This Episode
- Jillian website!
- Book a mastermind with us? visit Her-Enterprise.com
So I am really excited to know what you thought?