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In this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast, Kelly, Nicole and Melissa reflect on Season 1 of the podcast, We are working to help momprenuer live the lives they want. Finding space for the families they have and the businesses they want to grow. Can you also take away some lessons learned and big wins.
Follow us on IG @herenterprise
What is a Mastermind?
A mastermind is a group of people who are striving to get to where you are going, or are already there. Where challenges are revealed openly, experiences are shared and feedback is given honestly.
For us that means we are women building business and living purposeful lives. With this lens we look to help each other conquer fears, brainstorm new possibilities and stay focused and accountable.
“To reach the top of the mountain, you need to surround yourself not only with those who have been there, but also those who want to go there.” Tony Robbins
They answer the following questions:
- What was your most valuable take away ?
- What was your favorite episode and why?
- What are we looking forward in the next season?
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
- Where are we now? Setting goals is one thing but a list of things without action is just a dream. What have we accomplished?
- I love Nicole sarcastically stating, “you can balance your family and life. You can balance everything.” I am from the perspective balance is a myth and a disservice to women juggling different demands.
- Nicole is super FIRE up to offer coaching and helping other women build their business.
- Theory is great and we need to understand it to some level. The growth happens in action, and for that you need practical applications of ways to test new thing.
Quotes from the podcast
” I’ve seen a lot of growth and I’ve seen a lot of movement”
Melissa Neacato
“Sometimes you are going to lean into the work part, sometimes you are going to lean into the family part.”
Nicole Santiago
” This is my pressure point year, but the pay off is astronomical “
Kelly Pahman
Mentioned in This Episode
Ep 008 Overcoming Decision Fatigue
Book Coaching with Her Enterprise