Kelly grew up in poverty and back then she always felt like she was stuck in a place of being in crisis. Growing a successful business and doubling her income 3 years straight wasn’t something she thought possible at the start of her journey.
Hey Changemakers in this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast We hear more about Kelly and how she was stuck in fight or flight. She had to manage issues included chronic pain. How does someone like that, make the shift of thinking short term to long term thinking.
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We answer the following questions:
- Ask yourself how do you view money, how do you view wealth?
- Are you living your life in fight or flight?
- What steps did you take to double your income year after year?
- How do you increase price without fear? How did you change your mindset?
- How do you shift from short term worry, to being able to see and focus on long term goals?
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
Through this episode Kelly shares how she had to adjust her mindset and all the people who she had trying to help her learn. People have been trying to tell me this for years but I couldn’t hear it, until I was in a safe space.
When Kelly talks about doubling her income she is only talking about her income not her husbands income. It was not easy work. She shares how even with a supportive spouse when work was becoming too demanding but the financial side wasn’t making sense. There was a breaking point where Childcare became so overwhelming that she was told “you just can’t work…”
Kelly was the only one providing that service. That pushed her from making $500 to $2400 in doula work . She raised the market to $1000 on the low end.
She also shares other tips like how being self employed a tax planner, helped her make most out of her money. Along with that if she didn’t have a client scheduled during her work time then she was working on her business.
Quotes from the podcast
“If you equate wealth with greed then you don’t want to be wealthy because you don’t want to be greedy”
Kelly Pahman
“No one can learn anything if they are in fight or flight…it makes sense for all of use , we need to get the body in check and be calm to be able to hear the lesson. “
Nicole Santiago
“I want to create demand in a market, so that even my competitors flourish ”
Kelly Pahman
“Living paycheck to paycheck makes you feel like you are living in crisis”
Melissa Neacato
Mentioned in This Episode
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Another way to help is by Sharing great resources.
- Book: When She Makes More by Farnoosh Torabi
- Book Tool: Full focus planner
- Website: Her Enterprise
Have you negotiated an increase in your income? Whether in a traditional job or as a business owner getting clients. Let me know in comments below.