What do you do when you get stuck on a project? How do you better connect with people?
Hey Changemakers in this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast we are masterminding Melissa’s challenges. You have probably been there too. You are so close to the finish line then suddenly everything is challenging. Everything becomes a mountain to climb. In todays episode Melissa asks for help in overcoming these challenges. Listen in to learn along with her.
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What is a Mastermind?
A mastermind is a group of people who are all striving to get to where you are going, or are already there. Where challenges are revealed openly, experiences are shared and feedback is given honestly.
For us that means we are women building business and living purposeful lives. With this lens we look to help each other conquer fears, brainstorm new possibilities and stay focused and accountable.
“To reach the top of the mountain, you need to surround yourself not only with those who have been there, but also those who want to go there.” Tony Robbins

We answer the following questions:
- What do you do when small thing start to overwhelm you?
- When you are stuck, is it due to ability or distractions?
- How do you handle when you are close to the finish line but then start having trouble getting to the end?
- What actions can you take to better connect with people?
- What are follow up Fridays?
- What is an Instagram pod?
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
Back in episode 008 We talk about decision fatigues. Today we have an ah-ha moment around will power fatigue. Melissa shares how she used outside accountability to get a toastmasters speech written.
Kelly share how even if she doesn’t get the biggest item on her list done she still makes progress with the smaller ones. She uses creative distraction to make sure she is getting a whole lot of other thing done.
We chat about charging right off the bat. Should it be a Free webinar or could $5 make sense?
In this episode Nicole shares so much about what she has learned regarding connecting with people online. She talks about being consistent, making an accountability group. For example Instagram pods.
We also talk about questions you should ask yourself to get to the heart of why you are stuck in the first place.
Quotes from the podcast
“I feel like minimalism and zero waste and personal finance are all connected. It all has to do with asking the question of, what do I value? That’s where I’m going to focus in… and what is waste? and I’m going to get rid of those things.”
Melissa Neacato
“Don’t let perfect be the enemy of good”
Kelly Pahman
“I know it’s small , but it feels like a giant hurdle I need to get over”
Melissa Neacato
“When you are starting out… can make small cuts, but still move forwards… its good. I got it off my list, even if its not perfect”
Nicole Santiago
Mentioned in This Episode
The following are Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, affiliate links. I will earn a commission if you choose to purchase at no extra cost to you.
Another way to help is by Sharing great resources.
- Group: Toastmaster Kalamazoo
- Course: Pat Flynn course Power up Podcasting 2.0
- YouTube: Trash is for Tossers
- YouTube: Pick up Limes
- Episode: 008 Overcoming Decision Fatigue
Learn how to create your very own capsule wardrobe.
Learn about the advantages of a well curated wardrobe that finally vanishes the feeling of having nothing to wear in a sea of clothes.
You’ll get advice on WHY to start a capsule, HOW to get started , and WHAT you can do to keep the wins you make.
What you’ll learn:
- How color can still be part of your wardrobe
- The exact strategies for making sure you can dress yourself for a variety of situations.
- How to identify the right number of items you need for your closet
- Discover the questions to ask yourself to pick out the right clothes for you
- How to get rid of the pile of “No” items in your closet
- Most importantly the way to regain a sense of peace and creativity
- Followed by Q and A
Want to sign up for the webinar?! Click below for more details.
I know I am not the only one who struggles. You get stuck too sometimes. What did you learn in the episode. What are you trying to work through? Let me know in the comments below.