Did you know that the health market place is opening up again this year for an extra opportunity to enroll?
Health Insurance in the U.S. is a landmine, which is why we are so happy to get our health insurance questions answered by a professional. The stories of people getting struck down into poverty due to medical expenses abound. So if we want to head off on our own, and create our own business, how do we deal with the question of health insurance?
Hey Changemakers in this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast we answer a lot of these question. Listen in and don’t forget to take action and make sure you are covering yourself in some way for health care emergencies.
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We answer the following questions:
- What are the benefits of being in the market place?
- If you have insurance offered to you at your work can you still use marketplace insurance?
- Are there penalties when you are not insured ?
- What are all the different ways you can be insured?
- Health Sharing…What is that?
- What are some qualifying event that allow you to enroll into insurance? How long do you have to make your decision?
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
Is that there is a special enrollment period this year 2021. The President signed an executive order opening up the enrollment period from February 15 through May 15. Make sure if you are not yet covered to go check out the market place.
Joanna share a lot of things you need to take into consideration as you identify what the best insurance coverage is for you and your family. Using Kelly’s question she explained that , if something happens in your business you can be eligible for tax credits only if you purchase through the market place.
We talk about what people who want to be self employed or currently are should do. Since those are the questions of our listeners. People who are entrepreneurs.
We discuss other less common situations. That are a growing trend like people who want to take mini retirements.
Quotes from the podcast
“We recommend whenever someone is leaving the US that they get travel insurance”
Joanna Phipps
“I have a side hustle … , but I am the insurance carrier , what are the options they can explore outside of their employer”
Kelly Pahman
“There is no guarantee that they have to cover you … “
Joanna Phipps
Mentioned in This Episode
The following are Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, affiliate links. I will earn a commission if you choose to purchase at no extra cost to you.
- Website: Master Medicare, Life and Health Insurance : Prince Agency Michigan and Arizona (princeagencyllc.com)
- Webinar: Melissa’s Money Webinar

Leave a comment! What health coverage do you currently have? Was there ever a time when you were uninsured?