How do you decided what to share when you are given an opportunity to speak with the people you are most capable of helping?
In episode 013 of Her EnterpRISE podcast you get to experience a mastermind. Melissa, Kelly and Nicole talk about that challenge exactly. Nicole’s is on the hot seat today and through this episode you get to experience the conversations that help business owners decided the next steps to take.
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What is a Mastermind?
A mastermind is a group of people who are all striving to get to where you are going, or are already there. Where challenges are revealed openly, experiences are shared and feedback is given honestly.
For us that means we are women building business and living purposeful lives. With this lens we look to help each other conquer fears, brainstorm new possibilities and stay focused and accountable.
“To reach the top of the mountain, you need to surround yourself not only with those who have been there, but also those who want to go there.” Tony Robbins

We answer the following questions:
- What is the big give away when you are presenting?
- How do I help clients understand what I offer?
- What need do you think you can help the most, during this setting?
- What do you want more, when connecting with clients?
- What is the ultimate goal of the speaking event?
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
Nicole has a speaking engagement! Hooray Nicole, good job. Now she is trying to figure out what is the best presentation topic to have ready.
In business you identify a skill, or knowledge that you have that can help people improve their lives. That’s one step. The next step is letting people know you offer that service. That is why presenting at a conference is such a great opportunity. Nicole wants people to understand how she can help.
You also want to check this out because Nicole does dive into her topic, which covers parenting and shame. So she gives us an opportunity not just to learn from the business component, also learn some good parenting information.
Quotes from the podcast
“I help create mindset shifts. Reframing something from a disability to a Gift”
Nicole Santiago
“Do we love ourselves unconditionally? how can we teach our kids to learn to love themselves unconditionally?”
Nicole Santiago
Mentioned in This Episode
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- Service: Book a mastermind with us? visit
- Website: Family ADDventures
- YouTube: Nicole Family Addventures
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Whether it’s business or just life improvements, Do you have a mastermind group?