Happy Thanksgiving
Hi everyone. We prepped the Turkey today and got other things ready for tomorrow night. We are hosting our thanksgiving and I’m looking forward to having people over for delicious food and family games. Maybe we’ll play Pictionary, Euchre or some Wizard.
Since it is Thanksgiving time, today I wanted to take the time and talk about the things I am thankful for. There are many things.
My Children

To be able to come home to my kids and spend time with them. It doesn’t happen everyday that I get this feeling, but I still get days where I look at them and am blow away and so overwhelmed. It seems unbelievable, I have children and an overwhelming feeling of gratitude floods over me and it bring tears to my eyes.
My pregnancies and my labors with both my kids I was fortunate that nature was on my side. I recently heard 2 stories at work that ended with babies and mommies being alright, but it still made me realize how nothing is guaranteed. I’m just happy I had 2 healthy babies and was able to follow through with a natural birth since it was important to me.
Husband Time
This year we made some good memories and we made sure we spent some alone time together. It can be hard with kids not because you can’t make time but because it is a trade off of time. Still we made sure we had at least sometime to date each other.
So I am also really grateful to carpool with Mr.Roamer. Got to love how close our jobs are. When we take advantage of it we get to have some extra grown up time together when we don’t we at least get to be in close proximity.
The PF Community
I am so thankful for discovering this PF bloggers community. I have grown so much this past year. I have pushed outside of my comfort zone. Being able to read other people’s stories for inspiration and support. Its great to know I’m not the only one out there with aggressive dreams.
Our Financial Health
This year was a roller coaster and I will write again about our debt to wrap up the whole picture. We made some changes and now are sitting in a much better position. Mostly I am happy being 100% Debt free. It’s an amazing feeling.
Living a more Passionate life
Rekindling old loves. I use to read so much before and I am so happy to be doing it again. It is in the forms of blogs but I’m so happy it includes paper backs. Currently trying to finish a book on Buddhism and starting the 7 habits. I had stagnated for a bit earlier this year so I am glad to be learning again.
Oddly enough this part wasn’t going to include traveling. I want it so much but I guess I don’t need it. Still I am thankful for all that I have been able to experience so far in my travels.
Our Families
My family. It hasn’t always been pretty I grew up through some tough times but no mater how rough I realize that it has built me to who I am today. Whether they were things worth keeping or traits I had to fight to break. Today I am a strong person because of it.
Mr. Roamer’s Family. I am thankful to have models of what a healthy marriage looks like. I know there is lots I can learn. Plus hanging out with the entire side of that family is an amazing and new experience for me. To see cousins and uncles, aunts and just have big family gatherings is pretty awesome.
Well I’m getting sleepy so I will call that good. Still I am happy I went through this. I want our family to learn what the holidays are really about. Family, friends, togetherness. So I have to lead by example.
Take the time today to write down what you are thankful for. Share it with your family if you want. But at least take the time to acknowledge and share it with yourself.
Life flies by take the time to soak it in. It doesn’t have to be thanksgiving so even if it has already passed. It’s never to late to show gratitude.
Debt free and on your way to retiring early, sounds fantastic to me.
Thanks for stopping by Even Steven.
Yes we are happy about being debt free. I know you are also working on that! So hope all is going as planned
Nice post Roamer…and Happy belated Thanksgiving.
The section about living a more passionate life really resonates with me as I am trying to accomplish the same thing right now. In my personal experience, unless you bring passion into what you do, things seem more like a chore. I realize we all have a list of chores that we also must accomplish but we don’t have to carry that mentality along when doing some of the things we love.
As for what I am thankful for…this year, I am most thankful for having the means to provide for my family and allow my wife to continue to stay home and care for our two children. Things aren’t always easy but these are times with our kids that neither my wife and I will never get back. Although I am not there every day, I do get pictures and videos that always helps me get through my day! 🙂 AFFJ
Hi AFFJ thanks for stopping by
Its always great to hear of families doing the stay at home parenting. That is how I was raised and I really can’t wait to be part of that club 🙂 . Like you said it can be tough being home all day with the kids (they have so much energy!) but it is also so wonderful. It’s great that your wife keeps you posted with pictures and updates. I am happy when my husband does the same on his days off.
I also agree with you about the change in mentality. Even when it does come to chores. I read a nice piece by Johnny Moneyseed.http://www.johnnymoneyseed.com/how-life-works/beating-the-addiction-to-unhappiness/
and it has helped me look at chores differently. I’m not so unhappy about doing the dishes anymore.