002 Creative Childcare Solutions in Enterprise, Crisis and Covid
Powered by RedCircle Listen here or at Apple, Google podcasts, YouTube, Spotify, or your favorite player. Hi there Changemakers, In this episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast, We are talking about childcare. Do we have working parents in the house? Entrepreneurial moms in the house? While some of us might have amazing engaged spouses or co-parent. A lot of times figuring out childcare falls on the shoulders of moms. Or it is their schedules that are first affected. Kelly, Nicole and I (Melissa) talk about our experiences. So that, you can leave with new ideas for how to tackle this fluid demand. They answer the following questions: Who is taking a backseat when childcare becomes an issue?Can you incorporate your children into your activities?What is a fun, silly and super helpful gift for parents?How has your childcare…