Versatile blogger Award: Random facts about ME

Versatile blogger Award: Random facts about ME

WOOH! HAHA well I just got nominated for the Versatile Blogger Award!  First I'd like to thank my husband, and the children and (SCREECH!) Just Kidding. It's funny really, this reminds me of chain letters. Do you remember those chain letters in middle school? Still I'll be a good sport and play along. It's all for fun so thank you Mrs.Tips for nominating me. So the way this works is that the nominated get to share random facts about themselves. Sweet! So in no particular order. AMAZING FACTS ABOUT THE ROAMER REVEALED! 1. You guessed it, I'm a woman! When I started this blog I felt it was really important to remain anonymous BECAUSE, I felt people respect male opinions more when it comes to the topic of money. Which…
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