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In is episode of Her EnterpRISE podcast, Melissa and Kelly interview their Co-host Nicole. They dig deeper into her thoughts on business. Nicole has the unique perspective of being someone who is diagnosed with ADHD.

We answer the following questions:
- What does it actually look like to make the transition from traditional work to work that is more fluid like freelancing?
- How do we help people see the beautiful side of ADHD?
- Where there any scary moments after leaving your w2 job?
- Is there a way to make the transition easier? A cheat code if you will.
Quick peek at what’s in the episode:
How do you go from a teacher with ADHD to a published author? Well Nicole says that a lot of entrepreneur have ADHD. She has been blogging about life with ADHD for 4 years. She really wants to make sure students with ADHD are served and their needs met. It’s what lead her to strike out on her own.
I especially like how Nicole breaks down her process min 9:30. There are steps involved , stages to go through.
One thing I am sure we can all relate with is that plans don’t always pan out. The families original plan included finding a lower cost of living area so that the money would stretch further. Hear about how it all unfolded.
We find out that Nicole had 3 clients before she took the leap. Also how she and her Husband are both entrepreneurs. She speaks to how they balance time and demands.
Quotes from the podcast
“If I hadn’t had that coach or that plan or that team, I wouldn’t have left, I’d still be teaching”
Nicole Santiago
“If you want to start a business can you negotiate some time off so that you can test it out. With a security blanket”
Melissa Neacato
“Our purpose is to create and give back”
Nicole Santiago
Mentioned in This Episode
- Website: Her Enterprise
- Website: Family ADDventures
- Book:
Part of living our new unique adventures is figuring out what we really want. Did today’s interview inspire you? What is your WHY for reaching for entrepreneurship? Share in the comments below.