So head over there first to check it out.
10 Questions and a Pizza Place with The Roamer at The Traveling Wallet
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If you are new here I’d like to welcome you to my humble abode here in internet land.
I’m your host the Roamer here at the Traveling Wallet.
I have had a crazy year slaying the debt monster and other such discoveries.
I think you’ll find the following articles a nice sampling of me and what I’m about.
This is my most popular post. Where I tell you about how our family paid off the mighty sum of over 100k in 3.5 years.
To see where we started this year check out my salute to our debt.
While I journey through life trying to reach FI I don’t want to put off till tomorrow what I can do today. So I am trying to live a life of meaning . This includes spending time on things that matter. My children , my husband and our marriage.
I also don’t want to wait to do travel. As a family we have shifted gears and are focusing on family related trips but you can check out my previous travel records also.
Don’t be shy if you have something to say. Say it! Leave a comment below or email me through my contact page. I look forward to answering your questions.
Also subscribe to my blog and follow me on Twitter @travelingwallet. As I shift from debt repayment to the loftier goal of FIRE( financial independence retire early). Let take the journey together.